Julie Goldspink - paintdownunder

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Julie Goldspink

Julie Goldspink.: Visual Artist.
Julie is best known for her landscapes and profusions of impressionist flowers on paper, W/C canvas and yupo paper. These are her main joy and draw many admirers. But she also works with Oil, Acrylic, Pastel and Mixed Media.
Her watercolours are both Realist and Impressionistic using her favourite wet into wet technique. With Oils, her style is more Realistic using the traditional methods and Julie uses a mixture of both techniques when applying Acrylic paint.  
A skilled draft person, drawing has always been a constant, as it forms the bones of all artworks.
Mixed Media is another favourite, as she finds the freedom of having no restrictions un-clutters the mind. These works would be categorised as contemporary.  The outcome is subjective spontaneity, resulting in random forms and expressions.
Initially self-taught, she went on to study Fine Art studies at T.A.F.E. Ten years at Mitchell College Summer Schools studying Watercolours and Portraits, and further Tertiary Studies at C.S.U. B.A. Majoring in Fine Arts and Textiles.
Students Australia wide know her for her workshops given at art societies and Art Education courses run annually in many centres.
A very busy and respected artist, she has exhibited in numerous major Exhibitions and received countless awards. Julie is a member of the Chroma Australia team as a Teacher/Demonstrator for Chroma Interactive Acrylics. She is member of many Art Societies, including  Peninsula Art Society VIC,  Mc Clelland Guild of Artists VIC, Signatory member of A.G.R.A.Camberwell VIC, The Australian Watercolour Society, The Watercolour Society of Victoria Australia, The Pastel Society Victoria  Australia and is a Tutor annually for the Combined Art Societies of Sydney; ‘Art in Action’, Waverly, Malvern and Sherbrooke Art Societies VIC and holds regular Classes/Workshops at the Peninsular Art Society, Beaumaris, and the Malvern Art Society VIC .
Julie exhibits with the Australian Guild of Realist Artists VIC; Town and Country Gallery at Yarragon; Original Oz @ the Boathouse Gallery, now online; and Sherbrooke Gallery,VIC.
For more information log onto Website www.juliegoldspink.com.au
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